The Texen Group unveils its new image

The Texen Group unveils its new image

In 2024, the year of its 40th anniversary, the Texen Group decided to create the perfect link between the past, the near future and the perceived value of its markets. This image freeze gives rise to a redefined logo, graphic codes marking our DNA and colours charged with meaning. Spotlight on the Texen 2024 identity. 

This year, the Texen Group celebrates 40 years of industrial performance, innovation and proximity to beauty packaging markets. To mark the occasion, the group is taking stock of its history and the specific characteristics of the markets it serves: The first ‘e’ in Texen looks back to the beginning.

Above all, the Texen Group anticipates the future, evokes its strengths and promises, and defines the Texen of tomorrow in the new era of packaging: The second ‘e’ in Texen looks to the horizon. In the word Texen, we now read two ‘e’s, each pointing beyond, a symbol of openness and perspective.
Between them, the fiercely modern X acts as a centrepiece. It evokes the cardinal points, and therefore the world, the meeting of multiple dynamics. The X, stylised in this way, is resolutely stable thanks to the spacing of the lettering; it never loses its axis, its essence. The reflection leads us to the semantic path of openness and trust, of creative paths that start from a central node, from a united team that is the Group.
And then there’s the creative spiral of flamboyant purple, which for too long has been limited to industrial activity. Today, it’s enhanced by an invigorating violet blue, solid and unifying, and a blue-pink contrast that conveys softness and femininity. It’s the same colour as the Explore platform and its packaging makeover.

A Group for every site

This new image is being rolled out across all our sites in France and abroad. Each one becomes an identity capsule, an ambassador for the Group in its uniqueness, that of a single service.

This new image now expresses the strategic direction of the Texen Group’s offering: Make and Buy, production and decoration. It embraces the contradictions necessary to the creation of packaging. Unnecessary but essential, green but desirable, local production but open to the world, the French Touch deployed around the world.

This new identity is a decisive turning point between the era of industrialization and that of expertise. It guides the Group towards the Texen of today and the Packaging of tomorrow.