
CSR commitments
Since its creation, the Texen Group has established itself as a key player in the global luxury and beauty packaging industry. Today, its roadmap is part of a continuous improvement process in all areas of CSR. Backed by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and motivated by the Ambition 2023 plan, its CSR policy is based on three pillars:
Reinventing luxury packaging
Tomorrow packaging will either be responsible or not. Texen is committed to three key areas:
– Offering eco-responsible packaging by including an eco-designed alternative in 100% of its offer
– Committing to fighting climate change by reducing the carbon impact of packaging made of plastic
– Reducing the environmental impact of its sites by recycling non-hazardous waste, reducing water consumption, and the use of organic solvents
Putting our employees at the centre of our transformation
Because only an attractive and innovative company can reinvent itself, Texen is committed to attracting and retaining talent, and developing employability through a stimulating training program. Texen is also committed to protecting the health, safety and well-being of its employees and service providers. Our goal is to obtain 45001 certification for all our sites.
Acting ethically and responsibly
Ethical behavior, respect for others and the application of laws are all values on which Texen bases its daily activities. Its commitments include ethical business practices, the promotion of responsible purchasing practices and absolute respect for human rights, including the importance of inclusion.
To achieve its objectives, Texen is increasing the number of ethics training courses and self-audits for its suppliers, increasing the proportion of its turnover devoted to solidarity purchases, and raising its gender equality index above 80%…
To make any report as an employee or an external contributor, you can send an e-mail to the following secure and dedicated address in order to guarantee confidentiality and rapid processing of the alert.
Awards and certifications
For the second time in a row, Texen has received a Platinum rating from EcoVadis in 2023. With this rating, Texen is among the top 1% of companies in its sector.
The group has been awarded the Label MORE (Mobilized to Recycle) by the French Plastics and Composites Federation. This label is awarded to manufacturers who source recycled materials.
Texen is aiming for a B rating on the CDP Climate Index by reducing its carbon emissions by 10%, especially through the use of recycled or bio-sourced materials.
87.5% of production sites certified ISO 14001
50% of production sites certified ISO 45001
Thanks to the international ISCC+ certification of its sites, Texen is able to promote virtuous production methods and the use of materials derived from recycling or biomass.
Texen is committed to preventing the release of plastic granules into the environment by publicly supporting the Operation Clean Sweep initiative at its French and international sites.
Texen France’s injection sites have also been audited by a third-party organization to verify compliance with technical, human and organizational measures.
Lazare Association – Our action in favor of inclusion
Our company supports the solidarity activity of the Lazare association. Lazare organizes and develops shared housing between young working people and people who were homeless. The association is present in France in Nantes, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Lille, Angers, Vaumoise, Valence, as well as in Spain (Madrid) and Belgium (Brussels). Other development projects are underway (Rennes, Bordeaux, Mexico…).
More than 140,000 people live on the street in France today. Lazare offers an innovative solution to house them and help them get back on track by reestablishing a social network, while at the same time making them more responsible.
PSB Industries is a sponsor of this association because our company, which is committed to two values: caring culture & high standards, has the individual at the heart of its CSR policy. In this context, we want each person to be able to advance, to blossom, to find his or her place and talents.
La Presqu’Ile de l’Imaginaire – Our action in favor of the heritage of Annecy
Our company supports the cultural activity of the Château de Duingt, an ancient building built on the peninsula of Lake Annecy. It is in this emblematic site that “La Presqu’île de l’imaginaire” organizes every year artistic events. Thanks to this association, the Château de Duingt is once again a place of culture, art and poetry, and even more so, a place for reflection and creativity.
PSB Industries is one of the founding sponsors of this association because, like our company, La Presqu’île de l’imaginaire is attached to the life of the Annecy region. From industry to culture, the spirit of innovation and openness form a bridge so that curiosity and generosity enrich our minds and beautify our lives.
La Scène Nationale Bonlieu – Our action in favor of culture in Annecy
Our company supports the multidisciplinary cultural activity of the city of Annecy. The programming of Bonlieu Scène Nationale Annecy strives to reflect the diversity of aesthetics that permeate the world of live art, both in terms of the genres (theater, dance, performing arts, music, street arts) and the cultures represented.
PSB Industries is one of the patrons of this association, because associating the business world with creation has become an obvious way to ensure the cohesion of our region.