Texen Group began to reflect on the packaging of tomorrow

Texen Group initiated the debate on the necessary metamorphosis of packaging in the context of packaging being subject to many conflicting orders. It invited its collaborators and peers around the table, to ask “aren’t we stronger together?”

As a pioneer in sustainable cosmetic packaging, Rémi Weidenmann, Managing Director at Texen Group, brought together an audience of brands representatives, collaborators and partners to share with them solid substantive topics on the inevitable metamorphosis of packaging. Under the direction of Usbek & Rica, Denis Paccaud, Innovation Director at Texen Group and Benoit Heilbrunn, Doctor in Management Sciences and Professor at ESCP Business School, spoke on the subject.


We expect everything from packaging, but above all, that it be ecologically correct.
What is the conflict between beauty and usability? Who could do without a combination of luxury and pleasure? But what is luxury? So many questions raised by the Denis Paccaud-Benoit Heilbrunn duo. The latter does not stop analyzing the intrinsic value of the packaging, his approach is to put the person before the product, being before having…. He tames reality and does not cut corners: only limitation can make companies innovate towards the packaging of tomorrow…


The debate is available in two media outlets: a dedicated website called Texen Explore and a paper version titled “Packaging Transformation(s)”. This content, written with the support of Usbek & Rica, is broken down into several sections; not solutions but tropes that, bypassing opposing contradictory orders, could inspire 21st century packaging. Consumer experiences and paradigm shifts, the regulatory debate, the materials war and the recycling war… so many substantive topics to read without moderation.

The debate initiated will be enriched with the necessary interactivity over time, through the platform and who knows, maybe in the new paper edition?


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